quality assurance
Quality assurance services
Our quality assurance for your solution extends over all aspects. Besides rigorous testing of code, functionality, business logic, and security in software, we also monitor overall user experience to improve it wherever we can.
types of testing
types of testing
- security testingrisk analysis, providing a holistic approach to application protection, hackers, viruses, unauthorized access to sensitive data
- regression testingcheck if the new features/improvements/bug-fixes doesn't affect the existing functionality of the product
- performance testing (load/stress)determine how fast and stable the system works under a certain load
- unit testingseparate isolated testing of each system module
- system testinghigh-level testing of the entire system
- localization testingcheck the correct translation of UI elements, correctness of system messages and errors
- usability testingcheck the usability, learning, understanding and attractiveness for system users
- security testingwhite/gray/black box
documentation andreports
- test casesdescribe a specific idea that is to be tested, without detailing the exact steps to be taken or data to be used
- test-reportrecords data obtained from an evaluation experiment in an organized manner
- test planoutlines the common strategy that will be applied to test an application
- traceability matrixconnects requirements throughout the validation process
auto qa
The goal of a user story is to deliver value to the client or internal team. Stories need to be written so it is apparent what needs to be addressed for the user story to be considered complete. For Jira tasks, we also include a list of acceptance criteria within.